Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 26 - My Baby Brother's 60th Birthday

Oh yeah, for those of you who don't know me, or for that matter, for those of you who do, I am over 60, 62 to be exact.  I don't feel 62, luckily don't look nor do I feel 62, but I must say this past birthday was the only birthday in my life that really smacked me in a hard way.  I found myself remembering that eight years ago I was freshly divorced, then wondering what I had done with my life for the past eight years and thinking ahead to the next eight years and the golden age of 70, yikes!

Working with the elderly and their maladies for years has kept the end of life and its many challenges extremely clear in my mind....for the most part, I do NOT want to have any part of what I have experienced.  The reality of my situation is that I know for optimum health I need to drop at least 30 pounds which will happen if diet and exercise improve.  My blood sugar has been creeping upward and that needs to stop.  My flexibility must improve if I don't want to be running around with long-handled pick-ups hanging from my belt.  Did I say running?  Bent and shuffling would have been a more appropriate description!

Funny?  No, not at all....a body that doesn't move, doesn't move, period!  This wonderful home that I moved into last year had been sitting empty for six years.  It didn't look bad, but I moved in only to find the plumbing needed re-vamping, the furnaces were all messed up, even the garage door wouldn't move up and down properly.  The house and everything in it had been stagnating for six long years, nothing was moving - all moving parts had basically shut down.  The same is true of our bodies - like it or not, we MUST move...and not just from the sofa in the living room to the kitchen counter!

I am happy to say already this morning I have jumped on my trampoline which I moved into my bedroom (so I would trip over the thing and remember to jump on it!) and have hula-hooped for several minutes as well, yay!  After my Coconut Almond wake-up drink in a few minutes, Rosie and I will be heading for the mall for at least a 30-minute walk before we get on the the rest of the day....and we will LAUGH!

Sue at the Fisher Building, Detroit 1/11
Words from Browning's poem are always in my mind...."The last of life, for which the first was made..."  How we will live the last days of our lives is essentially dependent on how we are living right now in this present moment.  Are we being mindful of what foods we put into our bodies?  Are we being mindful of how we move our bodies?  Equally important, are we monitoring and being mindful of our thoughts, as well as our actions?  Eat, dance, laugh, sing, pray and let the good times roll...for a very l o n g time.....and don't forget Jack!!

You can do it! 


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