Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20.....Two-thirds of the Way, yay!

We stay so busy during the day, it's hard to find time to post, but in the middle of the night when there are no distractions, I can.  Yesterday I was having not such a good day - not food issues, but ex-husband ones.  I had a few tearful moments yesterday with Rosemary who was excellent in reminding me that not only I had so much to be grateful for at this time in my life, but that starting the new year in this way was also about completely releasing all of the old.  And releasing I must.  Life is about living in the present moment, regardless of what may have happened in the out with the old, in with the new.....release, release, release!

I see my daughter commented that there are no photos of us - those I am saving for the end for comparison purposes, at which time I will also post lab comparisons.  As far as weight is concerned, I can only tell you, I will soon need suspenders for my pants!  As I said before, although we both have many pounds to shed, the real objective this month is to establish a new and healthy lifestyle in every way - being continually mindful of what foods we put into our mouths, the physical movement of our bodies, and the positive flow of thoughts in our minds.  This month has been one unlike any I can remember - one of mindful self-care, something difficult for me.  It has been as my friend, Carla, would say a "Love Yourself Up" month!

In a less than self-loving moment yesterday afternoon, feeling a bit low, I succumbed to one inch of coffee.  Yes, one inch, that was it!  I was exhausted last night, in bed by 11, but wide awake at 3:15...the lovely after effects of caffeine as it robs my body of sleep.  Drinking that one inch of coffee was in no way an act of self-love, because I know the negative effects caffeine has on my body.   Continual tough love is needed here if this battle is to be won!

"Love Yourself Up" Beet Salad!

We had our usual coconut almond breakfast smoothie yesterday, then a fabulous beet salad which was a bit altered from my usual recipe so many of you already have.  I added daikon and celery which kicked it up a notch. This salad is one that grows better with age and also one that I use as a topping/dressing for other greens.  The dressing literally pulls the juices from the beets and other ingredients, leaving a delectable, irresistible marinade.  Personally, it is my very favorite salad.  It's what raw food should be all about - vibrant colors, explosive layers of flavor, multiple textures, nutritionally dense and calorically deficient.  Gotta love it!

Wrap your arms around yourself...and have a FABULOUS day!



  1. Sue, YOU are amazing. Am so loving your journey. Keep "loving yourself up" and know we are lovin you up, too!

    Teri Williams
    YOUR Bliss Ambassador

  2. Teri, I am so happy you are in my life, honestly! Plus, you already have a lot of the LY stuff down before even taking the training....."I am amazing, YOU are amazing, WE are amazing!!" very good, very good, YAY!!
