Friday, July 6, 2012

DAY ONE of RAW for 30 DAYS!

Hello Everyone and Greetings from Michigan! 

Okay, we are going to do it again....30 days of RAW or as many days as you can handle.  For those of you who have never done this before, don't panic you CAN do it.  I never thought I could and I confess, I was plenty hard-headed when it came to certain GREEN smoothies and salt water flushes! But you know what?  They are both GREAT, although it took me years of having my brakes on before I realized that!  More on that later....

Today we need to get started and I like to start the day with a BIG cup of hot water, the juice of half a lemon and a shake or two of cayenne.  Sip it slowly and I will tell you about the health benefits later.

To set our intention for the day, I am pulling from the deck, "WISDOM for Healing Cards" by Caroline Myss - "Identify one area of your own life where you're angry at yourself or where you've yet to forgive something you've done.  Healing requires forgiving oneself as well as others.  Your goal: LOVE YOURSELF enough to HEAL."

Love yourself up today.  Look in the mirror and say with gusto, "I LOVE YOU!"  Go ahead, kiss the mirror if you feel like it! Don't forget to LAUGH every chance you get....and for no reason.  Food is medicine, but laughter is the BEST medicine....they walk hand in hand!

Make your smoothie. Measure out your water....I know if you are at a job, this might be difficult.   Adjust to your various situations.  Try walking on your lunch break.  Take the stairs, instead of the elevator....and remember to BREATHE!  You CAN do this!

Have a GREAT day!

Santé, To Your Health!

Sue Ansari RN

1 comment:

  1. Sue, still contemplating the 30-day reboot in full, but tried the "tea" and loved it. Pulled a Cheryl Richardson "self care" card = wisdom card, and it was just what I needed. Enjoying tea again this morning and took note of your green smoothie. Sounds yummy. Flat belly very inviting. :-) XO
