Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Green Smoothie Reunion!

Later today I will be driving across the Canadian border to meet my friend, Rosemary, with the most appropriate gift, a large green smoothie!  I can hardly wait to see her - it's been nearly seven months since we had our raw month.  A lot has happened, but I have to say, I have not gained back any of the weight I lost during that month and in fact, have even lost more.

I apologize for not posting sooner, but it has been seven months of introspection, trying to figure out exactly what I need and want to do with the rest of my life.  The programs were all in place in my mind, but how to make them all mesh coherently was my challenge.

Early summer, late Spring, I received a message on Facebook from an old nursing classmate who asked if I might consider coming to Montana in August to present a helping of both my food and  laughter.  It sounded like a bit much to me, but after much thought, I decided it was a novel and challenging idea.

Shortly before my time to leave for Montana, a 35-year-old cousin was diagnosed with a very rare and deadly cervical cancer.  Her emails, phone calls and text messages, asking questions, pleading for guidance and assurance, plus my classmate's insistence that I make a trip to Montana, suddenly solidified everything in my mind and my new program was born, CANcer-Proof Your Life.  Within two weeks my website  was complete and two six-week programs were booked!

Montana welcomed me with open arms, along with a sense of belonging and purpose I have not felt in a very long time.  The first morning there, my friend pulled out her Vita-Mix and began packing it with fruits and greens.  I didn't turn up my nose, but I have to be honest when I say, the idea of green smoothies has never been high on my lists of "must-have's" for breakfast, despite knowing what tremendous health benefits they have and preaching those benefits to others.  Along with my friends, green smoothies were breakfast fare every morning I was in Montana....and within days, I could feel my pants getting looser, my skin getting softer and my energy increasing.  Thus, my love affair with green smoothies began!

I find I do NOT need a fresh coconut smoothie to start my day, although I still love them; the green smoothie is what I literally lust after and cannot live without. It gives me a bigger burst of energy than my Starbucks grande non-fat latte ever did, plus my pants are literally falling off, my skin is soft and glowing, I walk every day without fail and I feel great!  Who would have ever thought that I would be making a green smoothie for myself at 11PM?!

I have converted some of my salad recipes to create savory green smoothies, incorporating as many ingredients with high anti-cancer properties as possible in the mix....all have been delicious.  As a result, the appearance and appreciation of green smoothies has taken an even greater role in the CANcer-Proof Your Life program and has even become its own program, TheHighOctaneCleanse!

 Rosie's Green Smoothie
 YES, You CAN!

Here's to Rosie, Montana and my cousin, Sara, who all guided me toward my very own green smoothie reboot and revolution - an even better way to easily cancer-proof my life and you, yours!

Santé. . . To Your Health!

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