Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Beginning of a New Month...and I'm doin' it RAW!!

February 1, 2011....I must say living alone changes things, many things, preparing food is just one of them.  My cat, Dora, and I have spent most of the day in my bedroom.  It's comfortable, spacious and the way things are right now, the only warm room in the house, other than the laundry room and I don't feel like hanging out there!

I ventured out a few times to make fresh juice and a small batch of Chia Pudding...that was about it.  Still very tired today.  The "big" event of the day, other than my car battery being dead, was the 30 minutes I spent on the treadmill...and the BIG news, of course, is the impending blizzard.  Snow was predicted to start at 7PM and like clockwork, it began falling at 6:45.  Amazing, huh?

February 2, 2011.....And the snow continues to fall!  I find it amazing how weather can be so easily predicted which is what I was thinking about last night when I was overcome with sleepiness and had to stop writing. Weather is predictable, just as is our behavior.

I have been hiding behind 30-40 extra pounds ever since my last child was born and she was 28 years old two weeks ago.  Despite having invested massive amounts of time and money in various programs over the years, knowing the science inside and out, as well as believing it fully,  my brain was not in the game.  Consequently, my predictability for success was nil.  Being raw for the month of January was my choice.  I was ready to commit, willing to be realistic, but I knew I needed support in order to stick it out.  Rosemary was that support and I thank her deeply for participating in the program for the entire month. Everything that I now need to continue on this path has been put in place....I have not even removed the Vita-Mix from my counter, imagine that!

For me, hiding behind my weight was a result of sagging self-confidence and my excuse for not putting myself out there to be seen.  Fortunately, as I have said so many times before, laughter found me, but even more importantly, with the laughter came the most beautiful group of loving, caring souls who have supported and buoyed me up during some pretty dark times.  Family, obviously, should be there, but for me, to be remembered and thought of by a myriad of friends outside my family unit, something I had never before experienced, had a profound impact.  All of it, including getting through breast cancer treatment, boosted my confidence level to the point where at last my brain was ready to think and believe, "Yes, I can....and I will!"  and I did!

I believe it's all about self-confidence which equals self-love which brings me to the lovely Lubbock lady who has started a "30-Day Love Yourself Up" page on FaceBook, so here's to Carla, The Confidence Queen!   I needed that boost during the mid-point of last month, but I need it not just for 30 days.  Let's keep loving ourselves up every day from now on!

Daily reminders...
  • Amaze yourself by doing something you never thought you could
  • Treasure your health - walk for at least 30 minutes every day, drink at least 64 oz of water, and stick to a primarily plant-based diet
  • Never leave home without lipstick...or at least gloss!
  • Look at your least favorite body part, caress it tenderly and say out loud, "I love you,_______!"
  • Remember, skinnier girls cannot do some things you can do!
  • Refuse to be invisible ever again!
  • Even if you are a bit inflexible in the yoga studio (or at Zumba!), thank your body for what it can do...and do it!
  • Whatever your capabilities, NEVER stop moving!
  • Stop obsessing over how you look - appreciate and love your body as it is
  • Focus on what you can do and don't compare yourself to others
  • Stop worrying about yourself.  Focus on others and how you can make them at ease and happy
My prediction is if our thoughts and behavior are channeled in this direction, the pathway to health and happiness will be a piece of cake....raw, of course!

Santé - to your health!


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