Saturday, July 7, 2012

DAY TWO - Oh, How I Love a Concave Belly!

Don't you LOVE it, the feeling of empty and unbloated?  This morning my stomach already was actually concave as I lay on my back, contemplating getting out of bed. I passed my hand over my tummy . . . and oh wow, even the hint of pelvis, my iliac crest, could be felt, woohoo!  Honestly, I must tell you there was more than one time yesterday I seriously considered a few bites of cooked food.  Instead, I cleaned out my refrigerator, purged it of ALL things cooked, but I can tell you, it will be difficult the next time I get an order.  I have already decided what I will do with the leftovers, and there are always leftovers, I am giving it all away!  Being down another pound and a half this morning is more than enough incentive for me; had I drunk more water yesterday, it would have been even more.  Today, this morning, as in the minute after I post this, I am going to the kitchen and measuring out 64 ounces!

How perfect that today I pulled this card from the deck, "The Language of Letting Go" by Melody Beattie, "Today I will ask God to help me begin to take healthy risks.  I will ask for assistance in letting go of my fear of failure… and success.  I will ask for help in fully living my life so that I can start experiencing all the wonderful parts of my journey.”

I don't know about the rest of you, but for me, it is way past time for me to start experiencing all the wonderful parts of my journey and let go of the past!  Right now, before it gets blistering hot out there, I must run to the Farmer's Market in Royal Oak.  Raw spaghetti and, if I have time, perhaps even lasagna are on the agenda for today with photos and recipes to follow!

In the meantime, enjoy your day!

 My savory green smoothie (gazpacho) yesterday -
1 large red pepper
1 med yellow pepper
an entire little box of Campari tomatoes
3 small Persian cucumbers
1/4 avocado
1 handful of cilantro
juice of one lemon
1 LARGE handful of Spring Mix
a shake or two of cayenne
1 t turmeric
3 T sherry vinegar
2 T low sodium tamari
Santé, To Your Health!

Sue Ansari RN

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