Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I will admit it, I am such a cheater!  Even when I know how much better I feel when I stick to raw, given the opportunity . . . given?  No, let me re-phrase that, I create opportunities to cheat!  A friend came to visit over the weekend and I grabbed her by the hand and whisked her away to one of my favorite little Middle Eastern restaurants in town.  Their fresh pita bread is out of this world and it begs for a side of babaganoush!  I ordered a salad, but it is the gluten that really bothers me and it is the gluten I crave.  Monday morning came and I was back on the straight and narrow!

Yesterday I forgot to weigh-in, so was pleasantly surprised when I balanced the scale this morning to see I am now down a full 10 pounds, despite my indiscretions! Much to do today for the upcoming raw food chef certification class in a week and a half, so I must get moving.

Today's intention - "Today I will let go of my need for approval and my need to be liked.  Instead, I will choose to like and approve of myself.  The people who count (including me) will respect me when I am true to who I really am!"  

Throw your arms around yourself and give yourself a BIG squeeze - choose to LOVE and accept the wonderful person you are!

To sweeten your day, you might give this a try . . . another version of chia pudding/pops!   If you don't want or like the texture of the chia seeds, blend them with the almond milk and cacao powder first, then add the remaining ingredients.

Nothing is written in stone when it comes to chia pudding or any other raw food recipe, for that matter.  Taste it first, then if you want to "fix" it, fix away!  My goal always is to keep the recipe nutrient dense, low fat, low calorie and, of course, gluten-free.  Just because it's "raw", does NOT mean it is necessarily healthy.  Read a recipe, evaluate those points, then decide if there are ways you can improve one or all without compormising flavor.

This is a tweaked recipe that was sent to me by my FB friend, Deniece Young. I cut the coconut butter, maca and cacao nibs from the recipe and added goji berries.  If you want this thicker, add another T of chia, but for frozen bars, this works beautifully!

2 c unsweetened almond milk
1 t pure vanilla extract
1 T cacao powder, unsweetened (I do not use raw, but Valrhona...the #1 best in the world!)
5-6 T chia seeds
2/3 c organic unsweetened coconut flakes
2/3 c goji berries
3 T PURE maple syrup

Whisk the almond milk, cacao powder, and chia seeds together in a large bowl, until the chocolate is incorporated into the mixture.  Give it a stir every 30 minutes or so, until the chia have expanded and the mixture is thickened.  Add the rest of the ingredients and thoroughly mix.  Let it soak in the fridge for at least 4-5 hours or overnight until all ingredients are plumped with the almond milk.

Pour into popsicle molds or return to the fridge to eat as pudding.   Serve with fresh fruit and chopped walnuts . . . or with anything you like.  SUPER healthy and very simple to make!

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